Below you will find thumbnail links to my current pinned projects in github, feel free to take a look at my other respositories on there too.

  • Family Chore Planner App

    Created with React-Native (front-end) and Firebase (backend & authentication), optimised for iOS

    Family App Gif

  • Meal Recipe Finder App

    Created with vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript & use of asynchronous function API Calls

    Photo of Meal Recipe Finder

  • Cocktail Recipe Finder App

    Created with vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript & use of asynchronous function API calls

    Photo of Cocktial Recipe Finder

  • To Do List

    Created with React

    Photo of To Do List

  • 5-Day Weather Forecast App

    Created with React, CSS & use of asynchronous function API calls

    Photo of 5-Day Weather App

  • 5-Day Weather Forecast App (Gatsby)

    Created with React, Gatsby & use of asynchronous function API calls

    Photo of 5-Day Weather App made with Gatsby